深圳市腾桩电子有限公司,是电子元器件的国际分销商,代理分销 Microchip Power Integrations Dialog Toshiba ST ADI TI 等欧美日本品牌,客户范围涉及温控类、电力系统自动化产品、数字流媒体 产品、游戏机、新能源、通讯设备、汽车航空、仪器仪表、安防以及工业控制等诸多领域! 公司始终坚持以“诚实守信.质量.薄利多销”为原则,将产品质量和客户利益,腾桩电子向客户所提供的元器件确保是100%原装,对货物所涉及的各个环节严 格把关。保证货物质量是我们的首要任务,降低客户成本是我们的永远追求。 腾桩电子拥有多年的厂家配套经验,承接各类客户生产需求的采购货单配套,诚实 守信,欢迎来电咨询!我们都以100%的热情为您真诚服. 主营范围:消费电子,工业控制,汽车电子,LED,能源控制,智能安防,家用电器,智能物联,医疗电子,通讯网络
品牌: Infineon(英飞凌)
封装: TO-220(TO-220-3)
描述:类型:N沟道 漏源电压(Vdss):100V 连续漏极电流(Id):33A 功率(Pd):130W 导通电阻(RDS(on)@Vgs,Id):44mΩ@10V,16A 阈值电压(Vgs(th)@Id):4V@250uA N沟道,100V,33A,44mΩ@10V
品 牌: Infineon(英飞凌)
厂家型号: IRF540NPBF
封装: TO-220
商品毛重: 2.64克(g)
包装方式: 管装
Advanced HEXFET® Power MOSFETs from International
Rectifier utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve
extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. This benefit,
combined with the fast switching speed and ruggedized
device design that HEXFET power MOSFETs are well
known for, provides the designer with an extremely efficient
and reliable device for use in a wide variety of applications.
The TO-220 package is universally preferred for all
commercial-industrial applications at power dissipation
levels to approximately 50 watts. The low thermal
resistance and low package cost of the TO-220 contribute
to its wide acceptance throughout the industry