Features of this design are a 150°C junction operating temperature, fast switching speed and improved repetitive avalanche rating . These features
combine to make this design an extremely efficient
and reliable device for use in a wide variety of other
O Advanced Process Technology
O Ultra Low On-Resistance
O 150°C Operating Temperature
O Fast Switching
O Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax
O Some Parameters Are Differrent from
O Lead-Free
描述:类型:P沟道 漏源电压(Vdss):55V 连续漏极电流(Id):42A 功率(Pd):170W 导通电阻(RDS(on)@Vgs,Id):20mΩ@10V,42A 阈值电压(Vgs(th)@Id):4V@250uA P沟道,-55V,-42A,20mΩ@-10V